The ” 1st Memorial Week I8CVS ” , was born from the desire of three sections of the Ari Campania, to worthily remember, four years after his silent key, the great figure of I8CVS Domenico Marini. Mentor and popularizer of many amateur disciplines, including all those satellite and V / U / SHF, he always gave to newcomers and experts, his valuable contribution of encouragement and experience.
Even today, after many years from the beginning of the radio activity, in his numerous writings, articles, memoirs and drawings, young amateur radio operators at the first experiences and tested experimenters, find references and stimuli to feed the passion with a scientific approach and professional rigor .
The three proposing Sections of Pompei, Portici and Pozzuoli and the ARI, with the high patronage of the National Committee and the Regional Committee of Campania, want to recognize to Domenico Marini, the right merit for the contribution he has given to all of us and a special thanks for the passion that he handed down to us with his works, whose value is recognized all over the world.
The Memorial formula, does not encourage competition, but rather the participation of those that they want, with their presence on air, to thank and remembering Domenico.
So this is not a race, but a real Happening for all those who want to meet eachother, through their passion for satellites and high frequencies, to launch his name in the air again.
We liked three things about this formula:
– It encourages those who have limited systems, with the participation of SWLs and those with simpler stations.
– Spread and share experiences, with the contacts via TROPO in V/U/SHF, that satisfy all those who have reached a good knowledge and own a good technological station.
– The great passion for Space, that we will remember with contacts via satellite and via EME, dedicated to people having elevated knowledge and high level stations.
After so many years, finding today his works so alive and actual, is a clear evidence of how he was ahead in that time, for his knowledge, for the careful research of information, for the study that he addressed with scientific method, for the rigor with which he formulated his assertions and defended his ideas with strength and determination to the point of challenging the most rooted conventions in order to combat ignorance and prejudice.
The ARI sections of Pompei, Portici and Pozzuoli thank the ARI CN, the Campania Regional Committee, and the Marini’s Family for having given their patronage to this initiative of high ethical value.
The “1st Memorial Week I8CVS” takes place with the use of the special callsign II8CVS, which was issued for the occasion, by the Ministry, for its high commemorative significance.
To whom it is addressed
The recipients are all the OMs, SWLs and Ari Sections, in response to the callings of the special callers:
“Cq SAT of II8CVS / xx ” 1st Memorial Week I8CVS “via Sat
“Cq II8CVS” via EME
“Cq de II8CVS ” 1st Memorial Week I8CVS ” via Tropo
When it will take place
The relevant period will be characterized by three weeks, not consecutive in the year 2019 from 00.00 on Monday until 24.00 on Sunday.
The selected weeks are:
Week 1) – from 10/06/2019 to 06/16/2019
Week 2) – from 09/09/2019 to 09/15 2019
Week 3) – from 04/11/2019 to 10/11/2019
The activity
The activity, consists to make radio contacts in VHF / UHF / SHF, that can be made via Space (satellite / eme) or via Tropo. The Space contacts will be made by connecting stations properly equipped and designated by the Proposing Sections. They are the “Callers” and will make calls via Sat or EME with the formula:
“Cq SAT of II8CVS / xx ” 1st Memorial Week I8CVS ” via Sat
“Cq II8CVS” via EME
The Tropo QSOs will be made by connecting, in VHF/UHF/SHF in SSB mode and digital, the Tropo operators designated by the proposing sections, in all three scheduled weeks, who will use the special callsign and will call:
“Cq de II8CVS ” 1st Memorial Week I8CVS ”
The operating modes via satellite will be: FM, SSB, SSTV and DATV in the Satellite assigned bands, and SSB and relative digital modes for the Tropo in VHF/UHF/SHF assigned segments for Tropo communications. Connections via EME, will be made using the JT65B digital mode.
There is no competition
The ” 1st Memorial Week ” , does not produce rankings.
For satellite and EME contacts, only a single QSO per station is required to obtain the Certificate of Participation. The QSO can be made in any of the three weeks provided, on any of the operative satellites, in all available transmission modes and by connecting just one of the Special Callers.
For the activities via Tropo, the ” 1st Memorial Week ” , will reward all three categories of participants (OMs, SWLs and all the ARI Sections that will use their section names), whom will realize a minimum of three QSOs with the tropo operators designated by the sections, one for each week of activity, regardless of band and mode.
The QSOs made by the individual OMs and SWLs, cannot be used to add points to the ARI Sections which they belong to.
Satellite / EME participants will be rewarded with a ” Certificate of Participation” in pdf format, sent by e-mail, made available by the Sponsoring Sections, and by the Campania Regional Committee and by the relatives of Domenico Marini.
The participants via Tropo, who will have made three contacts, one per week, in the three scheduled weeks, in any of the three V/U/SHF bands, and in any of the transmission modes, will be awarded with a Certificate of Participation in pdf format via e-mail.
Callers who have made satellite and EME calls, will receive an “Ad Honorem” Certificate of Attendance by mail, with the evidence of the QSOs made and thanks from the sponsoring Sections of the CRC and the relatives of Domenico Marini.
At the ARI Proposing Section that will have contributed to assigning the highest number of Participation Certificates, will have the privilege of hosting the Memorial award ceremony at its headquarters.
The Certificate of Participation
The Om, and the Sections that will participate, will not have to send logs. The certificate will be sent to everyone who has the email address visible on QRZ.COM, automatically, based on the Special Callers Log.
The request for the Certificate of Participation must be sent, via e-mail to the Memorial Manager, only if the operator has not a email visible on QRZ.COM (eg: users not registered on, no Bureau, etc.)
The SWL, in any case, will need to write to the Memorial-Manager, via e-mail. Only the listened QSO, matching the Log of ARI sections and Callers, will be validated.
All participants can also request the special QSL card, made available by the ARI Campania Regional Committee, only once in addition to the certificate. Requesting it to the QSL Memorial Manager via e-mail. In this case, the sending will take place via Bureau. The direct forwarding, without a bureau (OM or SWL), can also be requested, as usual, to the QSL-Manager by sending the request directly to his address reported at the bottom of the page, with the info related to the QSO. Please send SASE and 1 euro for postal expenses inside Italy. For participants outside Italy the contribution will be adjusted to the current rates: 2 euros for Europe and 3 euros outside Europe.
Proposing sections:
ARI Section of Pompei – IQ8BI
Ari Section of Portici – IQ8PC
Ari Section of Pozzuoli – IQ8PQ
Sponsors promoters:
ARI Italian Radio Amateur Association National Committee
ARI Italian Radio Amateurs Regional Committee Campania
Family members of Domenico Marini I8CVS
Multimedia Support:
Cross-media platform of Hamradiospace
Support via Tropo:
Operators designated by the proposing sections
Satellite and EME support:
The “Caller” of Hamradiospace
Memorial Manager: IK8YSS Costa Montella
Memorial QSL Manager: IZ8DBJ Mario Pesce
Via Marguerite Yourcenar, 24
BACOLI (NA) -80070-Italy
The Memorial Manager
IK8YSS Costa Montella
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